Channel: Balochistan: Land of Beauty
Category: Travel & Events
Tags: gwadar shipyardsinghar sunset point paskgwadar historysurbandarkoh e batilgwadar boat makingعمانی قلعہgwadar jetty (fisheries)beach walkold hertitgeboat making pointگوادرgwadar jettymarine drivesinghar sunset pointgwadar portgda hospitalgwadar sunsetgwadar fishgwadarkasippi (turtle beach)gwadar business centerسورچ کا شہرgwadar marine driveبلوچستان
Description: The peninsula, known as the Gwadar is situated on a 20 km coastline, this city is known for its history, beautiful beaches, and majestic sunsets. The reason is that this city is also called the city of the sun. The east coast strip is known as Demi Zar and the west coast is Padi Zar beach. Koh-e-Batel mountain is located west of the city. 0:00 Introduction 1:04 Video Contents 1:17 Beach Walk 1:56 Gwadar History 2:37 Gwadar Port 3:11 Gwadar Business Center 3:39 Old Heritage 6:57 Gwadar Jetty (Fisheries) 8:13 Boat Making Point 10:15 GDA Hospital 11:06 Desalination Plant, Surbandar 11:43 Koh e Batil, Gwadar 12:14 Singhar Sunset Point 13:06 Kasippi (Turtle Beach) 13:34 Marine Drive, Gwadar Music Credit: Song: Biya Biya Gwadara Singer: Waheed Hamdard Song: Gwader Tai Gowader Mani Singer: Khalil Shorabi (BMC Production) Don't forget to like and share our videos. On Google Map: Please Follow us on: INSTAGRAM: FACEBOOK: TWITTER: BLOGGER: EMAIL: Please subscribe our channel #BalochistanLandofBeauty #Gwadar #GwadarPort